Download LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT eBook Intelligent+
The LSAT is approved by the American Bar Association and uses three kinds of questions for measuring your skills viz. verbal reasoning, analytical thinking, and critical reading. Is the test really hard? Well, the easier the LSAT test is, the better your scores will be. In the case of LSAT, if you score 180, it is equivalent to getting 99.97 percent. However, in the LSAT, getting 89 correct answers is considered as a good score. It also indicates that LSAT is a tough test, generally speaking. LSAT is scored on a scale of 120 to 180, and the average score is 150. However, in case you are looking to get admitted into the top twenty-five law schools in the United States, you will have to score in excess of 160. There are around 101 questions in every test, and every query answered correctly means 1 point of the raw score.
LSAT is a harder test compared to GRE. If you say the LSAT is the Ferrari, then GRE is the Hyundai. The reason for this is that very few people get perfect scores in the LSAT even when you take into consideration the fact that fewer people take the LSAT compared to GRE. Below are some quick facts about law school admission and GRE
- You cannot take both GRE and LSAT and decide which score to submit.
- The current rules of ABA state that law school applicants cannot be admitted into law schools without LSAT scores.
- They need the GRE score in the excess of 85 or above apart from meeting other criteria.
Grab a copy of this book and prepare yourself on getting a better scores!
Download LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT eBook Intelligent+
"If you are planning to attend LSAT exam there is nothing more effective to attend a physical class but you must not depend on it. You need a few text book or guide to help you in preparation while you are at home. This is is definitely one of them. It's clearly instructed and the author provided in detailed explanation of every chapter and topics a student should go through. My Nephew is taking preparation for next exam and i am looking for a book just like this."
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Tags : LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT - edition by Intelligent+ .. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT.,ebook,Intelligent+ .,LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT,Study Aids / LSAT (Law School Admission Test),Study Aids / GRE (Graduate Record Examination)
LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT eBook Intelligent+ Reviews :
LSAT IntelliPREP Effective Preparatory Practices to Ace LSAT eBook Intelligent+ Reviews
- I should have read this one first. It strengthens your inductive reasoning skills; which is what the logic games tests. For those of you who have no problem setting the scenarios up and can answer the first question on the LSAT, of this section, where you go down the list and find the answer that doesn't break any of the rules, this book will help you master the other must be true, must be false, and what happens if Ben chooses the pink shirt, white tie, and navy pants, instead of the black tie, black shirt, and black pants questions.
- If you are planning to attend LSAT exam there is nothing more effective to attend a physical class but you must not depend on it. You need a few text book or guide to help you in preparation while you are at home. This is is definitely one of them. It's clearly instructed and the author provided in detailed explanation of every chapter and topics a student should go through. My Nephew is taking preparation for next exam and i am looking for a book just like this.
- I love this book very much. There are so many information about Ace LSAT. Those who are practices LAST must follow this book as a guide. There are so many helpful tips by following this one can easily learn LAST.
Recommend this book. - Hopefully this is not a bad analogy but it's like solving a Rubik's cube. If you understand the basic patterns and approach to solving it, it can be solved consistently and with practice reducing the amount of time spent on each question in choosing the correct answer. I highly recommend this book along with the Deconstructing Logic Games and the Logic Games Bible series of books.
- I inclined such huge numbers of successful things from this book.The book starts by explaining what the SAT is and the difference between the SAT and the ACT so that confused candidates can pick and choose to see which format of the exam suits them—it then goes on to discuss and highlight the content, structure and the registration process for the SATs
- This book is filled with so much information about LSAT that anyone can benefit from. The author made sure that all details are written in layman's term for readers to easily understand whats inside. I strongly suggest this book for those interested in this kind of topic.
- This book is excellent. Overall though, very happy with purchase! I enjoyed this book very much. I pretty much appreciate however visually appealing it's. This probably is one of the Practices to Ace LSAT. Super useful book. I highly recommend it.
- These books are the greatest books to use for a study tool. I just took the LSAT in February, and have yet to receive my score, but throughout my practice, my scores greatly increases on practice tests due to PowerScore products.